Draft:Quaid e Baltistan

Quaid-e-Baltistan Allama Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Jaffari was born in 1947. His father, Akhon Ghulam Mehdi, was martyred during the liberation war in 1948, leaving him orphaned. Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Jaffari received early religious and traditional education in Skardu. He then went to Najaf Ashraf, Iraq for higher religious education, where he studied for 14 years. He was a brilliant student of Hazrat Ayatullah-ul-uzma Syed Abul Qasim Khoi, Ayatullah-ul-uzma Imam Khomeini, and Ayatullah-ul-uzma Shaheed Baqir Sadr, and received the Sanad-e-Fazilat after studying at the Darse Kharij level from Ayatullah-ul-uzma Syed Mehmood Hashmi Shahroodi.

File:Allama Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Jaffry
Quaid e Baltistan

Upon returning to Skardu from Najaf in 1975, he has been actively involved in social and religious services. Some of his educational and social initiatives include Jamiat ul Zehra for women, Jamiat ul Mansooriyah for men, Al Zahra Foundation, Mishkaat University for women, and the trustee position at Jabir Bin Hayan Trust. These initiatives demonstrate his dedication to providing educational and social support in the region. He became a teacher and Principal of Jamia Mansooria Skardu in 1978.

Allama Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Jaffari became Imam Juma wal Jamaat of Central Jamia Mosque of Skardu in 1985 after the sad demise of Agha Syed Ali Hussaini. When Quaid-e-Gilgit-Baltistan Allama Sheikh Ghulam Muhammad passed away in 1992, all the responsibilities of Anjuman-e-Imamia and Mahkama-e-Sharia also came over his shoulder.

In 1995, Allama Sheikh Jaffari founded Jamia-Zehra, providing proper arrangements for religious education for females in Skardu. In 1997, he was selected as a member and patron of Jabir Bin Hayyan Trust, which established the USWA School System all over in Baltistan, bringing an educational revolution.

In 2010, Az-Zahra Foundation was established, through which collective marriages and financial aid for the poor and disabled were provided, a process that continues to this day. Allama Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Jaffari is considered the flag bearer of peace and unity among the different sects of the Muslim Ummah in the region. He has been playing an exemplary role in promoting peace and sectarian harmony in Gilgit Baltistan. He has also initiated the establishment of Mishkaat Women University, a women's university in Gilgit Baltistan, which is currently in the early stages of construction.

He is regarded as the flag bearer of peace and solidarity in the region, not only in a religious context, but also in political and social settings. While he does not seem to have direct involvement in politics, his support is crucial for any candidate to win in the Baltistan region. His influence extends to both provincial governments and other factors involved, as his decisions are thought to represent the will of the public.