Draft:Sleeping and Waking

Sleeping and Waking is a 2010 American feature length science fiction romantic drama film that deals with the physical, emotional and spiritual consequences of a bizarre experimental surgery. The movie focuses on Sullivan Daniels (played by Jeff Allin), who is a religious artist and professor. As the film opens, Daniels is four years beyond his full body transplant that has saved him from terminal cancer, but his wife (played by Hope Lambert) cannot bear to touch him and his mother (played by Helen Hedman) thinks he should have accepted God's will by refusing the operation which would have led to certain death. His best friend (played by Ray Ficca) tries to help Daniels cope, but only his relationship with a beautiful student (Elizabeth Jernigan) allows him to come to terms with his life-saving decision.

Originally written for the stage by Chris Stezin, the screenplay asks "If you had a second chance at life, would you take it?" The film was directed by Helen Hayes Award winner (for directing) Joe Banno and was shot on location in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C., in high definition by Michael Skinner. Using Final Cut Pro, the film was edited by Jon Michael Shink and the sound was mixed by David Crandall. An original score was composed by Kim Allen Kluge, the conductor of the Alexandria (Virginia) Symphony Orchestra.

The movie played in selected theaters in the U.S. in 2010 including the Lee Four Star Theater in San Francisco, Facets Cinematheque in Chicago, The Grandin Theater in Roanoke and the Cinema Arts Center in Long Island, New York as well as several others. It was then released on DVD.