Drugs and prostitution

Drugs and prostitution have been documented to have a direct correlation.

Drug use tended to predate prostitution among low-level prostitutes with the connection most likely due to economic necessity. Low-level prostitutes tended to use depressants, specifically heroin, as the drug of choice. High-class prostitution showed that prostitution predates drug use with stimulants being the drug of choice.[1]

A 1994 study among South London prostitutes showed links between sexual behavior, severity of dependence, and use of heroin, alcohol, and (to a lesser extent) cocaine.[2]

  1. ^ "Crime and Substance Abuse". DARA Thailand.
  2. ^ Gossop, Michael; Powis, Beverly; Griffiths, Paul; Strang, John (1994). "Sexual behaviour and its relationship to drug-taking among prostitutes in south London". Addiction. 89 (8): 961–70. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.1994.tb03356.x. PMID 7950854.