Drunken boxing

Drunken Boxing or Drunken Arts
Zuì Quán
The Eight Drunken Immortals
Also known asZuiquan, Drunken Boxing, Drunken Arts, Drunken Fist, Drunken Style, Drunken Kungfu, Drunk-Fu, Drunken Eight Immortals Boxing, Drunken Luohan Boxing, Wine/Alcohol Boxing
FocusFeints and deception
Country of originGreater China

Drunken boxing (Chinese: 醉拳; pinyin: zuì quán) also known as Drunken Fist, is a general name for various styles of Chinese martial arts that imitate the movements of a drunk person.[1] It is an ancient style and its origins are mainly traced back to the Buddhist and Daoist religious communities. The Buddhist style is related to the Shaolin temple while the Daoist style is based on the Daoist tale of the drunken Eight Immortals. Zui quan has the most unusual body movements among all styles of Chinese martial arts. Hitting, grappling, locking, dodging, feinting, ground and aerial fighting and all other sophisticated methods of combat are incorporated.

  1. ^ "教育部重編國語辭典修訂本:【醉拳】" (in Traditional Chinese). 一種國術拳法。相傳模仿醉八仙實態而創的拳術。摔、跌、倒、起都具醉態。