The Dubois Brothers, also known as the Dubois gang, were a French-Canadian organized crime group consisting of nine brothers, which operated mostly in Montreal in the 1950s to the mid-1980s. The Dubois Brothers first gained their reputation for their criminal behaviour and their toughness throughout their teenage years.[1] By the 1960s the Dubois Brothers were gaining control and were becoming the only crime group in Montreal that were considered to rival the Cotroni family in the 1960s and 1970s. The Dubois Brothers engaged in extortion, the exploitation of strippers and prostitutes, drug trafficking, loan sharking, and the murder of rival victims.[2] A report by the Quebec Crime Commission called the gang "the most important criminal organization in Quebec," so vicious and strong that they were known to be feared by both outlaw motorcycle gangs and the nearby Mafia.[3]