This page is a redirect. The following categories are used to track and monitor this redirect:
To a related topic: This is a redirect to an article about a similar topic.
Redirects from related topics are different than redirects from related words, because a related topic is more likely to warrant a full and detailed description in the target article. If this redirect's subject is notable, then also tag it with {{R with possibilities}} and {{R printworthy}}.
From a file metadata link: This is a redirect from a wikilink created from Exif, XMP or other information (i.e. the "metadata" section on some file description pages) to a more detailed description of the metadata subject that is linked. Since MediaWiki offers only limited control over the targets of these camera-generated links, redirects like this are created to make them useful.
WARNING: It might happen that few or no pages link to this redirect. That is because the metadata links are from the File namespace (often Commons) and do not appear in those listings. This redirect is most likely notorphaned!