EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement

The EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement is a Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe, set up in 1987 by Resolution (87) 2[1] of the Committee of Ministers. Its full name is "Co-operation Group for the Prevention of, Protection Against, and Organisation of Relief in Major Natural and Technological Disasters (EUR-OPA)".

Its aims are to develop disaster prediction research, risk management, post-crisis analysis and rehabilitation.

The Agreement supports the development of specialised scientific and technical centres on both sides of the Mediterranean.[2] Many of the research activities are organised through a network of these centres.

It also includes a European Alert System,[3] which is an earthquake disaster alert and rapid response system, run by the Strasbourg secretariat in cooperation with the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre.

  1. ^ Resolution (87) 2
  2. ^ "European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement".
  3. ^ European Warning System