Eadweard is a 2015 Canadian drama film written and directed by Kyle Rideout and written and produced by Josh Epstein. The film, a psychological drama, stars Michael Eklund as photographer Eadweard Muybridge.[1] The film's Canadian premiere was at the Vancouver International Film Festival in Vancouver, British Columbia on October 2, 2015.[2]
The film began shooting around Greater Vancouver in July 2013.[3]
Eadweard stars Michael Eklund, Sara Canning, Torrance Coombs, Christopher Heyerdahl, Jodi Balfour, Charlie Carrick and Jonathon Young.[4]
Aside from screening at various film festivals, the film had a successful theatrical run in several Canadian cities.[5]
Rideout and Epstein, actors, had previously appeared in a stage play depicting Muybridge's life, Studies in Motion — the Hauntings of Eadweard Muybridge.[6][7]