Economy of Fiji

Economy of Fiji
CurrencyFijian Dollar (FJD, FJ$)
Trade organisations
Country group
Population913,174 (2023 est.)
  • Increase $4.859 billion (nominal, 2023 est.)[3]
  • Decrease $10.054 billion (PPP, 2020 est.)[3]
GDP rank
GDP growth
  • 3.5% (2018) 1.0% (2019e)
  • −4.3% (2020f) 1.9% (2021f)[4]
GDP per capita
  • Increase $5,321 (nominal, 2023)[5]
  • Increase $11,685 (PPP, 2018)[5]
Population below poverty line
31% (2009 est.)
  • Decrease 0.730 high (2021)[7] (99th)
  • N/A IHDI (2021)[8]
Labour force
353,100 (2017 est.)
Labour force by occupation
Main industries
Tourism, sugar processing, clothing, copra, gold, silver, lumber
  • $815.3 million (2021 est.)
Export goods
Fuel, including oil, fish, beverages, gems, sugar, garments, gold, timber, fish, molasses, coconut oil, mineral water
Main export partners
  • $2.116 billion (2021 est.)
Import goods
Manufactured goods, machinery and transport equipment, petroleum products, food and beverages, chemicals, tobacco
Main import partners
  • -$344 million (June. 2020)[9]
  • -$277 million (2017 est.)
  • -$131 million (2016 est.)
Public finances
Negative increase 48.9% of GDP (2017 est.)
Revenues1.454 billion (2017 est.)
Expenses1.648 billion (2017 est.)
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars.

The economy of Fiji is one of the most developed among the Pacific islands. Nevertheless, Fiji is a developing country endowed with forest, mineral and fish resources. The country has a large agriculture sector heavily based on subsistence agriculture. Sugar exports and the tourism industry are the main sources of foreign exchange. There are also light manufacturing and mining sectors.

Fiji Village quoted Energy Minister Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi on 22 September 2006, who confirmed that the Southern Cross Management Company Limited had applied for a license to drill for petroleum in Fiji's waters. The application was later revoked after exploratory reports indicated that Fijian oil reserves were severely overstated. Accepted estimates now range between 500 - 600 million barrels of Brent crude oil, with a total market value of approximately $4.7 billion over 20 years.

Fiji has a population of 905,949 people. The country's tallest building is the 30-story Grand Fijian Tower in Suva. Fiji is a member of the WTO.

  1. ^ "World Economic and Financial Surveys World Economic Outlook Database—WEO Groups and Aggregates Information October 2020". International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 25 October 2020.
  2. ^ "World Bank Country and Lending Groups". World Bank. Retrieved 25 October 2020.
  3. ^ a b "Report for Selected Countries and Subjects". IMF. Retrieved 2021-01-18.
  4. ^ Global Economic Prospects, June 2020. World Bank. 2020. p. 74. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-1553-9. ISBN 978-1-4648-1553-9. Retrieved 10 June 2020.
  5. ^ a b "World Economic Outlook Database, October 2019". International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 20 October 2019.
  6. ^ "CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - October 2020 - Fiji Bureau of Statistics". Retrieved 2020-11-06.
  7. ^ "Human Development Index (HDI)". HDRO (Human Development Report Office) United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 23 November 2022.
  8. ^ "Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI)". UNDP. Retrieved 23 November 2022.
  9. ^ "Balance of Payments - Fiji Bureau of Statistics". Retrieved 2020-11-06.