Economy of French Polynesia

Economy of French Polynesia
Pape'ete's central business district is French Polynesia's largest financial and business services hub.
CurrencyCFP franc (₣)
calendar year
GDP$5.49 billion (2015 est.)
GDP rank176
GDP growth
2% (2015 est.)
GDP per capita
$17,000 (2015 est.)
GDP per capita rank
GDP by sector
agriculture: 2.5%; industry: 13%; services: 84.5% (2009)
0% (2015 est.)
Population below poverty line
19.7% (2009 est.)
Labour force
126,300 (2016 est.)
Labour force by occupation
agriculture: 13%; industry: 19%; services: 68% (2013 est.)
Unemployment21.8% (2012)
Main industries
tourism, pearls, agricultural processing, handicrafts, phosphates
Exports$1.245 billion (2014 est.)
Export goods
cultured pearls, coconut products, mother-of-pearl, vanilla, shark meat
Main export partners
Imports$2.235 billion (2014 est.)
Import goods
fuels, foodstuffs, equipment
Main import partners
$207.7 million (2014 est.)
Public finances
Revenues$1.891 billion (2012)
Expenses$1.833 billion (2012)
Economic aidrecipient: $580 million (2004)
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars.

The economy of French Polynesia is one of a developed country with a service sector accounting for 75%. French Polynesia's GDP per capita is around $22,000, one of the highest in the Pacific region.