Ein es-Sultan

Elisha's Spring, 1920s

Ein es-Sultan is a natural spring in Jericho, at the site of ancient Jericho, which has been identified with the tell (archaeological mound) known as Tell es-Sultan.

It is known by Jews and Christians as the Spring of Elisha/Elisha's Spring, based on a biblical story about Prophet Elisha (see 2 Kings 2: The early acts of Elisha: bringing life and death (2:19-25)). In the Middle Ages, it was also known as Elisha's Fountain.[1]

The Ein as-Sultan camp just north of it is named for the spring.

  1. ^ Piccirillo, Michele; Alliata, Eugenio; de Luca, Stefano; et al. (2000). "Jericho (Ariha)". The Madaba Map: a virtual travel through the Holy Places. Jerusalem: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. Archived from the original on 2016-03-07.