
Ekalavya trains himself.
FamilyHiranyadhanus (father)
Ketuman (son) and Avantika (daughter)

Ekalavya (Sanskrit: एकलव्य, romanizedekalavya) is a character from the Indian epic Mahābhārata. He is described as a young prince of the Nishadas, a confederation of forest and hill tribes in ancient India.

Ekalavya is called as one of the foremost of Kings in the Rajasuya Yajna where he honours Yudhishthira by offering him shoes with respect.[1][2] Ekalavya was noted as a powerful archer and warrior.[3]

Later, Eklavya was slain by Lord Krishna during a war on Mathura. After his death Eklavya was reincarnated as Dhristadyumna and killed Drona in Kurukshetra war.

  1. ^ "Ekalavya Honouring Yudhishthira". Retrieved 19 November 2013.
  2. ^ "Ekalavya—Foremost of the Kings of Rajasuya Yagna". Retrieved 19 November 2013.
  3. ^ "Eklavya—A Powerful Archer and Charioteer". Retrieved 19 November 2013.