Elastic Press

Elastic Press was a British small press specialising in single-author short story collections. It was run by Andrew Hook between November 2002 and November 2008 and was based in Norwich.

In 2005 and 2009 Elastic received British Fantasy Awards for Best Small Press. They also won the British Fantasy Society Best Anthology award in 2005, 2006, and 2007.[1] In 2008, their title Other Voices by Andrew Humphrey won an East Anglian Book award. In 2009, their title The Turing Test by Chris Beckett won the Edge Hill Short Story Prize, beating many Booker-nominated authors to do so.

In 2017 NewCon Press published an anthology Elasticity - The Best of Elastic Press[2] edited by Andrew Hook as an A5 paperback and a numbered limited edition hardback signed by the editor.

  1. ^ British Fantasy Award#Best Anthology British Fantasy Award
  2. ^ [1] Books - Elasticity