Elections in Ecuador

Ecuador elects on the national level a president and a legislature. The President of the Republic and the Vice President are elected on one ballot for a four-year term by the people. The National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) has 137 members elected for a four-year term in the 24 provinces (so multi-seat constituencies).

Ecuador has a mandatory voting system; citizens who fail to vote are fined.[1][2] To facilitate universal voting, elections are always held on Sundays and seen as community events where everyone must contribute to the work of voting days.

  1. ^ "Ecuadorians head to the polls just weeks after presidential candidate assassinated". CBS News. 2023-08-19. Retrieved 2024-06-10.
  2. ^ "Ecuadorians must cast their vote otherwise be fined". Prensa Latina. 2023-08-07. Retrieved 2024-06-10.