Electoral (Amendment) Act 2023

Electoral (Amendment) Act 2023
  • An Act to provide for the number of members of Dáil Éireann; for the revision of Dáil constituencies; for the number of members to be elected for such Dáil constituencies; to repeal the Electoral (Amendment) (Dáil Constituencies) Act 2017; to give effect to European Council Decision (EU) 2023/2061 of 22 September 20231 establishing the composition of the European Parliament; and for that purpose to revise European Parliament constituencies; to provide for the number of members to be elected for such European Parliament constituencies; to amend the European Parliament Elections Act 1997; and to provide for related matters.
CitationNo. 40 of 2023
Signed19 December 2023
Legislative history
Bill citationNo. 77 of 2023
Introduced byMinister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage (Darragh O'Brien)
Introduced7 November 2023
Electoral (Amendment) (Dáil Constituencies) Act 2017

The Electoral (Amendment) Act 2023 is a law of Ireland to revise Dáil constituencies and European Parliament constituencies. The revised Dáil constituencies will come into effect on the dissolution of the 33rd Dáil, which must take place by 19 February 2025, with the next general election for the 34th Dáil to follow thereafter. The revised European Parliament constituencies were used at the 2024 European Parliament election.