Electoral history of Brian Mulroney

Brian Mulroney in 1984.

This article is the Electoral history of Brian Mulroney, the eighteenth Prime Minister of Canada.

A conservative, he served two terms as prime minister (1984-1993). He led the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada in two general elections, winning back to back majority governments (1984) and (1988). He was the first Conservative prime minister to do so since Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald, in 1887 and 1891.

Mulroney defeated Joe Clark for the leadership of the Progressive Conservatives in 1983, and then defeated Prime Minister John Turner in the 1984 election. Mulroney's majority in the House of Commons was the largest in Canadian history, passing the record set by John Diefenbaker in 1958. He again led the Progressive Conservatives to the polls in the 1988 general election and was returned to power, but with a reduced majority.

Mulroney stood for election to the House of Commons three times, once in a by-election after he was elected party leader, and twice in general elections. He was elected each time, with substantial majorities.

Mulroney announced his retirement from politics in 1993 and was succeeded as prime minister and leader of the Progressive Conservatives by Kim Campbell.