Electoral system of Hungary

The electoral system of Hungary is the set of voting methods and rules used in Hungary, including mainly the system for electing members of the National Assembly (parliamentary elections):[1] and local government elections. The Hungarian electoral system also includes the systems used for the European Parliament elections held in Hungary and the elections of minority local government elections, as well as the rules of referendums and similar initiatives. The president of the republic is not directly elected.

The electoral system of parliamentary elections (a variation on the former Italian scorporo system) and the mixed single vote system used to elect some local governments may be called uniquely Hungarian electoral systems, while other systems used in Hungary are also widely used worldwide.

National elections Local government and minority elections
Election National Assembly elections (general elections) European Parliament elections Local government elections Minority local government elections
Elected officials MPs (199) MEPs elected in Hungary (21) Mayors (+ Lord Mayor of Budapest) Members of local councils Members of county assemblies and members of the Assembly of Budapest Members of minority local governments (5)
Electoral system(s) Two-vote positive vote transfer system (mixed-member majoritarian)[2]

106 representatives are elected by relative majority vote in single-mandate constituencies, 93 representatives are elected from a national list (Closed lists, D'Hondt method)[1]

Party-list proportional representation(Zárt, lista, D'Hondt) First-past-the-post voting At least population of 10.000: Mixed single vote

Below population of 10.000: Plurality block voting

County assemblies: Party-list proportional representation (Closed lists, D'Hondt method)

Assembly of Budapest: Mixed single vote via a double simultaneous vote (based on votes for district mayors)

Plurality block voting
Frequency Every 4 years (+ by-elections)[3] Every 5 years Every 5 years (+ by-elections)
Suffrage[4] Hungarian citizens (those without a Hungarian address only have a list vote) Hungarian citizens and other European Union citizens with a residential address in Hungary, as well as Hungarian citizens without a Hungarian address Hungarian citizens with a Hungarian address and other European Union citizens, as well as persons recognized as refugees, immigrants or settled registered minority voters
  1. ^ a b "The New Electoral Law in Hungary: In-Depth Analysis" (PDF). Political Capital Institute. Retrieved 2018-04-08.
  2. ^ "How do elections work in Hungary?". www.electoral-reform.org.uk. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
  3. ^ "Collection of electoral data on Hungary". Electoral assistance. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
  4. ^ "Right to vote - valasztas.hu".