Electronic scoring system

An electronic scoring board used for stangskyting in Norway in 2007 showing the number of hits for each shooter after the first half.

Electronic scoring systems or electronic targets are automated scoring systems used for sport shooting where the shot placement and score is automatically calculated using electronics and presented on screens to the organizer and shooters. The score may also be shown on a big screen for audience at the shooting range, improving the spectator experience.

With traditional paper targets, the audience of a shooting match may have to understand the signals used for scoring and monitor the scores of multiple targets at once, whereas, with electronics, the current scores can be shown on screens immediately after the shot is fired, allowing the audience to quickly see how different shooters compare to each other. Electronic targets automatically gauge the hits so that no physical inspection of hits is needed. Some systems even allow real time publishing on the internet. Scoring can also be held back by the Range Officer (the shooting supervisor) until the string of fire is finished in order to show the scores for each competitor in ascending order.