Eline Tolstoy

Eline Tolstoy, born in 1965, is a distinguished Dutch astronomer recognized for her significant contributions to understanding the formation and evolution of dwarf galaxies through the study of their resolved stellar populations.[1] Educated at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Groningen, where she received her doctorate in 1995, Tolstoy has held postdoctoral positions in Germany and at Oxford University.

Since 2001, she has been affiliated with the University of Groningen, becoming a full professor at the Kapteyn Institute in 2011. Tolstoy's work, which she describes as 'Galactic Palaeontology', aims to shed light on the broader cosmological processes involved in galaxy formation and evolution. Her leadership role in the MICADO instrument project for the European Extremely Large Telescope underscores her prominent position in the field. Tolstoy's excellence in research and teaching has been recognized with several awards, including the 2006 Lecturer of the Year at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Groningen and the 2007 Pastoor Schmeitsprijs.

  1. ^ "prof. dr. E. (Eline) Tolstoy | Waar vindt u ons | Over ons | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen". rug.nl. Retrieved 2018-04-21.