Embankment (earthworks)

A diagram showing an embankment
Disbanded West Somerset Mineral Railway embankment near Gupworthy, UK
Cream-colored concrete abutment marks a gap in an embankment and gives vertical support to the dark red trestle bridge, and to the fill of the bridge approach embankment. To reduce the metal cost of the bridge here it is further supported by erecting metal piers.

An embankment is a raised wall, bank or mound made of earth or stones, that are used to hold back water or carry a roadway. A road, railway line, or canal is normally raised onto an embankment made of compacted soil (typically clay or rock-based) to avoid a change in level required by the terrain, the alternatives being either to have an unacceptable change in level or detour to follow a contour. A cutting is used for the same purpose where the land is originally higher than required.