Empress Xu (Cheng)

Empress Xu (許皇后) (personal name unknown, but likely Xu Kua [許誇]) (died c.December 8 BC[1]) was an empress during the Han dynasty, who came from a powerful family. She was initially loved by her husband Emperor Cheng, but she eventually lost favor, and as a result of the machinations of her eventual successor, Empress Zhao Feiyan, she was deposed. After she was removed, she tried in vain to regain a measure of dignity by conspiring with her husband's cousin Chunyu Zhang (淳于長), but that conspiracy would eventually lead to her being forced to commit suicide.

  1. ^ 11th month of the 1st year of the Sui'he era, per Emperor Cheng's biography in Book of Han. The month corresponds to 3 Dec 8 BC to 1 Jan 7 BC in the proleptic Julian calendar.