Encyclopedia Galactica

Encyclopedia Galactica is the name of a number of fictional or hypothetical encyclopedias containing all the knowledge accumulated by a galaxy-spanning civilization, most notably in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. The concept of a "future encyclopedia" has become "something iconic among many lovers of the science fiction", and has been reused by numerous other writers.[1]

  1. ^ Manns, Patricio (1997-12-31), "Impugnación de la Historia por la Nueva Novela Histórica. La Nueva Novela Histórica: una experiencia personal", La invención del pasado: La novela histórica en el marco de la posmodernidad, Iberoamericana Vervuert, pp. 230–236, doi:10.31819/9783964567215-023, ISBN 9783964567215, retrieved 2022-04-05