Energy in Chile

Chile energy mix

Chile's total primary energy supply (TPES) was 36.10 Mtoe in 2014.[1] Energy in Chile is dominated by fossil fuels, with coal, oil and gas accounting for 73.4% of the total primary energy. Biofuels and waste account for another 20.5% of primary energy supply, with the rest sourced from hydro and other renewables.[1]

Electricity consumption was 68.90 TWh in 2014. Main sources of electricity in Chile are hydroelectricity, gas, oil and coal. Renewable energy in the forms of wind and solar energy are also coming into use, encouraged by collaboration since 2009 with the United States Department of Energy. The electricity industry is privatized with ENDESA as the largest company in the field.

  1. ^ a b "IEA - Report". Archived from the original on 2 February 2017. Retrieved 27 January 2017.