Enrichment culture

Enrichment culture is the use of certain growth media to favor the growth of a particular microorganism over others, enriching a sample for the microorganism of interest. This is generally done by introducing nutrients or environmental conditions that only allow the growth of an organism of interest. Enrichment cultures are used to increase a small number of desired organisms to detectable levels. This allows for the detection and identification of microorganisms with a variety of nutritional needs.[1] Enrichment cultures are often used for soil and fecal samples. [2]

  1. ^ Schlegel, Hans G. (1995). General microbiology (7 ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 204–205. ISBN 978-0521439800.
  2. ^ Tortora, Gerard J., Berdell R. Funke, and Christine L. Case. (2014). "Microbioligy: An Introduction" 12e. New York City, New York: Pearson Education. // 161.