Ensete ventricosum var. montbeliardii (Bois) Cufod.
Mnasium theophrasti Pritz. [Invalid]
Musa arnoldiana De Wild.
Musa bagshawei Rendle & Greves
Musa buchananii Baker
Musa davyae Stapf
Musa ensete J.F.Gmel.
Musa fecunda Stapf
Musa holstii K.Schum.
Musa kaguna Chiov.
Musa laurentii De Wild.
Musa martretiana A.Chev.
Musa proboscidea Oliv.
Musa ruandensis De Wild.
Musa rubronervata De Wild.
Musa schweinfurthii K.Schum. & Warb.
Musa ulugurensis Warb. & Moritz
Musa ventricosa Welw.
Ensete ventricosum, commonly known as enset or ensete, Ethiopian banana, Abyssinian banana,[3]pseudo-banana, false banana and wild banana,[4] is a species of flowering plant in the banana family Musaceae. The domesticated form of the plant is cultivated only in Ethiopia, where it provides the staple food for approximately 20 million people.[5][6] The name Ensete ventricosum was first published in the Kew Bulletin[7] 1947, p. 101. Its synonyms include Musa arnoldiana De Wild., Musa ventricosa Welw. and Musa enseteJ. F. Gmelin.[8] In its wild form, it is native to the eastern edge of the Great African Plateau, extending northwards from South Africa through Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to Ethiopia, and west to the Congo, being found in high-rainfall forests on mountains, and along forested ravines and streams.[5]