Entrance Hall

The Entrance Hall looking northwest during the administration of George W. Bush.
White House State Floor showing the location of the Entrance Room.
The Entrance Hall looking north
Maquette by Lorenzo Simmons Winslow showing the reorientation of the Grand Stair to the Entrance Hall during the Truman reconstruction.
McKim, Mead, and White renovation of the Entrance Hall in 1924 during the administration of Calvin Coolidge.
An 1882 photograph shows the Tiffany screen, Brumidi frescos, and encaustic tile floor.

The Entrance Hall (also called the Grand Foyer) is the primary and formal entrance to the White House, the official residence of the president of the United States. The room is rectilinear in shape and measures approximately 31 by 44 feet. Located on the State Floor, the room is entered from outdoors through the North Portico, which faces the North Lawn and Pennsylvania Avenue. The south side of the room opens to the Cross Hall through a screen of paired Roman Doric columns. The east wall opens to the Grand Staircase.