Eroia Barone-Nugent

Eroia Barone-Nugent is an Australian science educator. Barone-Nugent is experienced with secondary science teaching, science, and education research and she is an education program leader and innovator. She leads the Growing Tall Poppies Science Partnership Program. She is funded by the Australian Government's 'Australian Mathematics and Science Partnership Program' (AMSPP). The goal of her program is to increase the number of students, especially girls, studying science and particularly physics to year 12 and beyond. Barone-Nugent currently holds a part-time academic role (Senior Fellow) at the Australian University, Canberra, CPAS (Centre for the Public Awareness of Science) where she is investing in developing curriculum material to support and encourage young children in early primary school to be curious about science and consider science careers. She continues to make practical and meaningful contributions to the pursuit of and equal access for girls in science.