Erzurum Congress

Monument in Erzurum reproducing the main resolutions of the Erzurum Congress.
1) The motherland is a whole, and cannot be divided.
2) The nation will defend itself and resist against any kind of foreign invasion and intervention.
3) The basic principle is to do everything with the power of the nation's people and to hold the people's will above all.
4) Mandate and patronage cannot be accepted.

Erzurum Congress (Turkish: Erzurum Kongresi) was an assembly of Turkish Revolutionaries held from 23 July to 4 August 1919 in the city of Erzurum, in eastern Turkey, in accordance with the previously issued Amasya Circular. The congress united delegates from six eastern provinces (vilayets) of the Ottoman Empire, many parts of which were under Allied occupation at the time.[1]

  1. ^ Hovannisian, Richard G. (1971). The Republic of Armenia: The First Year, 1918-1919, Vol. I. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 434–437. ISBN 0-520-01984-9.