Esclarmonde of Foix

Esclarmonde of Foix
Bornafter 1151/ 1165-1167
Other namesLa Grande Esclarmonde
OccupationAlbigense Delegate to Council at Pamiers 1207
SpouseJordan III of L'Isle-Jourdain
Parent(s)Roger-Bernard I of Foix and Cecile Trencavel
FamilyHouse of Foix

Esclarmonde of Foix (French: Esclarmonde de Foix; Occitan: Esclarmonda de Fois), was a prominent figure associated with Catharism in thirteenth century Occitania (in the south of modern-day France).

Her biography is difficult to establish since several noblewomen in the same area at the same time had the same rare first name. The name Esclarmonde means "clarity of the world" in the Occitan language.