Espace Bernadette Soubirous Nevers

View of the garden and facade of the cloister.

Espace Bernadette Soubirous Nevers is a former convent and the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of Nevers in Nevers, France, and is where the body of Saint Bernadette reposes. In 1970, it was converted into a sanctuary run by volunteers and a few sisters who administer to pilgrims and manage the building.[1]

  1. ^ "Saint Bernadette Soubirous - Nevers - Depuis 1866, date de son arrivée à Nevers, au sein de la Congrégation des Sœurs de la Charité, l'esprit de Bernadette Soubirous n'a jamais cessé d'habiter ces lieux". Saint Bernadette Soubirous - Nevers. Retrieved 5 July 2018.