European-Atlantic Group

The European-Atlantic Group (E-AG) is a non-governmental organization which aims to promote closer relations between the European and Atlantic countries by providing a forum in Britain for discussion of their problems and possibilities for better economic and political cooperation. The E-AG is a wide-ranging, non-aligned, all-party, registered charity, based in Westminster, which works in the field of international relations. Most E-AG meetings since 2018 have been held at Westminster in House of Commons committee rooms; when Parliament is not sitting, however, meetings may be held in the City or elsewhere in London. E-AG trustees were Lord Hamilton of Epsom and Christopher Arkell until July 2018, when new trustees were appointed. The group aims to strengthen trans-Atlantic links. Its future depends on the support of those who care about issues such as defense and security, the UK's relationship with the United States, NATO, and international challenges. The E-AG, a non-party organization, is classified as educational by the Charity Commission for England and Wales.