European Marine Energy Centre

The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Ltd. is a UKAS accredited test and research centre focused on wave and tidal power development, based in the Orkney Islands, UK. The centre provides developers with the opportunity to test full-scale grid-connected prototype devices in wave and tidal conditions.

In addition to EMEC's wave and tidal sites, EMEC has an onshore hydrogen production plant in Eday where green hydrogen is generated from surplus tidal and wind energy with a view to developing a hydrogen economy in Orkney.

The operations are spread across five sites across Orkney:

  • Billia Croo wave energy test site, Mainland (wave power)
  • Fall of Warness tidal energy test site, off the island of Eday (tidal power)
  • Caldale Hydrogen Production Plant, on Eday
  • Scale wave test site at Scapa Flow, off St. Mary's Bay
  • Scale tidal test site at Shapinsay Sound, off the Head of Holland
  • Stromness (office and data facilities)

EMEC was established by a grouping of public sector organisations following a recommendation by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee in 2001. In addition to providing access to areas of the sea with high wave and tidal energy potential, the centre also offers various kinds of support regarding regulatory issues, grid connection, and meteorological monitoring, as well as local research and engineering support.