
In common usage, evaluation is a systematic determination and assessment of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards. It can assist an organization, program, design, project or any other intervention or initiative to assess any aim, realizable concept/proposal, or any alternative, to help in decision-making; or to generate the degree of achievement or value in regard to the aim and objectives and results of any such action that has been completed.[1]

The primary purpose of evaluation, in addition to gaining insight into prior or existing initiatives, is to enable reflection and assist in the identification of future change.[2] Evaluation is often used to characterize and appraise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises, including the start of a period of months

  1. ^ Staff (1995–2012). "2. What Is Evaluation?". International Center for Alcohol Policies - Analysis. Balance. Partnership. International Center for Alcohol Policies. Archived from the original on 2012-05-04. Retrieved 13 May 2012.
  2. ^ Sarah del Tufo (13 March 2002). "WHAT is evaluation?". Evaluation Trust. The Evaluation Trust. Archived from the original on 30 April 2012. Retrieved 13 May 2012.