Executive Order 10450

Executive Order 10450
Security Requirements for Government Employment
Seal of the President of the United States
TypeExecutive order
Executive Order number10450
Signed byDwight D. Eisenhower on 27 April 1953
  • Expanded the security criteria for government jobs
  • Made heads of departments and agencies responsible for review of personnel and applicant backgrounds
  • Added several reasons for job termination, including sexual orientation
  • Mandated re-appraisal of previously-reviewed background checks.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10450 on April 27, 1953. Effective May 27, 1953, it revoked President Truman's Executive Order 9835 of 1947, and dismantled its Loyalty Review Board program. Instead, it charged the heads of federal agencies and the Civil Service Commission, supported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), with the task of investigating federal employees to determine whether they posed security risks. It expanded the definitions and conditions used to make such determinations. The order contributed to the ongoing Lavender scare of the mid-1950s, barring thousands of lesbian and gay applicants from government jobs.