Expeditionary learning schools

Expeditionary Learning Schools (ELS) are models of comprehensive school reform based on the educational ideas of German educator Kurt Hahn,[1] the founder of Outward Bound. There are more than 150 Expeditionary Learning Schools in 30 US states and the District of Columbia. They feature project-based learning expeditions, where students engage in interdisciplinary, study of compelling topics, in groups and in their community, with assessment coming through cumulative products, public presentations, and portfolios. According to the ELS website students undertake tasks requiring perseverance, fitness, craftsmanship, imagination, self-discipline, and significant achievement.[2][3][4]

  1. ^ "Learn About the EL Education Model". Skyward. Retrieved 2023-08-18.
  2. ^ ELS website, archived 5 April 2010
  3. ^ Kearns, David T
  4. ^ Berends, Mark (2002)