Exposure (heights)

Climber on Ancient Art in Fisher Towers, Moab, Utah, USA. Famous high-exposure route.
A technically simple, but exposed arete on the Höfats in Bavaria, Germany

Exposure is a climbing and hiking term. Sections of a hiking path or climbing route are described as "exposed" if there is a high risk of injury in the event of a fall because of the steepness of the terrain. If such routes are negotiated without any protection, a false step can result in a serious fall.[1] The negotiation of such routes can cause fear of falling because of the potential danger.

  1. ^ Olaf Perwitzschky, Dieter Seibert: Bergwandern, Bergsteigen. Alpine Lehrschrift. page 71, Bergverlag Rother, Munich, 2008, ISBN 978-3-7633-6032-1(online)