
Front cover and dried specimens from Ludwig Schaerer's exsiccata series Lichenes Helvetici (Swiss lichens), published in 26 fascicles from 1823 to 1852

Exsiccata (Latin, gen. -ae, plur. -ae) is a work with "published, uniform, numbered set[s] of preserved specimens distributed with printed labels".[1] Typically, exsiccatae are numbered collections of dried herbarium specimens or preserved biological samples published in several duplicate sets with a common theme or title, such as Lichenes Helvetici (see figure). Exsiccatae are regarded as scientific contributions of the editor(s) with characteristics from the library world (published booklets of scientific literature, with authors/ editors, titles, often published in serial publications like journals and magazines and in serial formats with fascicles) and features from the herbarium world (uniform and numbered collections of duplicate herbarium specimens). Exsiccatae works represent a special method of scholarly communication. The text in the printed matters/published booklets is basically a list of labels (schedae [de]) with information on each single numbered exsiccatal unit. Extensions of the concept occur.[2]

There are several comprehensive bibliographies and treatments on exsiccatae devoted to algae, bryophytes and lichens,[3][4] lichens[5][6] and fungi.[7][8] A printed bibliography on works devoted to vascular plants is missing. The IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae online database closes the gap.

  1. ^ Pfister, Donald H. (1985). "A bibliographic account of exsiccatae containing fungi". Mycotaxon. 23: 1–139.
  2. ^ Vardi, Sarai. "Conserving Exsiccata for the Clothworkers' Foundation". Kew. Retrieved 2022-09-18.
  3. ^ Sayre, G. 1969. Cryptogamae exsiccatae - an annotated bibliography of published exsiccatae of algae, lichenes, hepaticae, and musci. Introduction, I. General Cryptogams, II. Algae, III. Lichens. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 1-174.
  4. ^ Sayre, G. 1975. Cryptogamae exsiccatae - an annotated bibliography of exsiccatae of algae, lichenes, hepaticae, and musci. V. Unpublished Exsiccatae. I. Collectors. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 277-423.
  5. ^ Lynge, B. 1922. Index specierum et varietatum lichenum quae collectionibus "Lichenes exsiccati" distributae sunt. 2: Index specierum varietatumque alphabetice dispositus. Nyt Mag. Naturvidensk. 59: 97-192.
  6. ^ Lynge, B. 1939. Index collectionum "Lichenes Exsiccati" Supplementum I. Nytt Mag. Naturvidensk. 79: 233-323.
  7. ^ Kohlmeyer, J. 1962. Index alphabeticus Klotzschii et Rabenhorstii herbarii mycologici. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 4: 1-231.
  8. ^ Stevenson, J.A. 1971. An account of fungus exsiccati containing material from the Americas. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 36: 1-563.