Exuperius of Bayeux

Saint Exuperius of Bayeux
Died405 AD
Venerated inRoman Catholic Church Eastern Orthodox Church
FeastAugust 1[1]

Saint Exuperius of Bayeux (Exupère), also known as Spirius (Spire, Soupir, Soupierre), is venerated as the first bishop of Bayeux.[1] The date of his episcopate is given as 390 to 405, but local legends made him an immediate disciple of St. Clement, who lived during the 1st century, and that St. Regnobertus was Exuperius' disciple.[2] This legend was found in breviaries of the 15th century.[2] According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “the Bollandists and M. Jules Lair found little ground for this legend; it was only towards the middle of the fourth century that St. Exuperius founded the See of Bayeux; after him the priest St. Reverendus worked to spread Christianity in these parts.”[2] As Henry Wace writes, “this is only an instance of the tendency of the Gallic churches to claim an apostolic or subapostolic origin.”.[3]

  1. ^ a b Sant' Essuperio di Bayeux
  2. ^ a b c Catholic Encyclopedia: Bayeux
  3. ^ Henry Wace, A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines (1880), 439.