F2 Logistics Cargo Movers

F2 Logistics Cargo Movers
Full nameF2 Logistics Cargo Movers
Short nameF2 Logistics
NicknameCargo Movers
OwnerF2 Logistics Philippines Inc.
LeaguePhilippine Super Liga (2016–2021)
Premier Volleyball League (2022–2023)
Philippine Super Liga: 5
(2016 All-Filipino, 2017 Grand Prix, 2018 Invitational, 2019 Invitational, 2019 All-Filipino)
PNVF Champions League: 1

The F2 Logistics Cargo Movers was a professional women's volleyball club that played in the Philippine Super Liga (PSL) and the Premier Volleyball League (PVL). The team was owned by F2 Logistics Philippines, Inc.