Fair trade bananas

Fairtrade bananas was a marketing initiative which focused on increasing the price paid to small banana growers and the wages of agricultural workers. This is not a commercial brand, but a marketing strategy. Fair trade is based on higher prices paid by consumers that allow an equitable distribution of gains from trade over the chain partners.[1]

There are many of organizations involved in producing fair trade bananas; for example, an organization called Banafair began importing uncertified/unlabeled fair trade bananas into Germany in the mid-1980s (from 500 to 1 000 tonnes annually). In 1997 Fair Trade Labeling Organizations International (FLO) was established in Bonn, Germany to consolidate various labeling initiatives and establish worldwide standards for fair trade bananas. The first fair trade labelled bananas imported to Germany were by TransFair in April 1998.

Fair Trade Labeling Organizations International, (now renamed Fair Trade International), is a large importer whose bananas bear the International FairTrade Certification Mark. FLO-CERT is the international body that inspects the farms to ensure they meet the proper social and environmental according to Fair Trade international standards.

  1. ^ La Cruz, G. "The Contribution of Fair Trade Towards Market Access by Smallholder Banana Producers." Agro-Food Chains and Networks for Development, 14 (2006): 69-78.