Fascia of Colles

Fascia of Colles
The perineum. The integument and superficial layer of superficial fascia reflected (deep layer of superficial fascia labeled at center)
Median sagittal section of pelvis, showing arrangement of fasciae (Colles' fascia labeled at bottom center)
Latinstratum membranosum telae subcutaneae perinei
Anatomical terminology

The membranous layer of the superficial fascia of the perineum (Colles' fascia) is the deeper layer (membranous layer) of the superficial perineal fascia. It is thin, aponeurotic in structure, and of considerable strength, serving to bind down the muscles of the root of the penis. Colles' fascia emerges from the perineal membrane, which divides the base of the penis from the prostate. Colles' fascia emerges from the inferior side of the perineal membrane and continues along the ventral (inferior) penis without covering the scrotum. It separates the skin and subcutaneous fat from the superficial perineal pouch.