Fehling's solution

Fehling's test
On the left, the solution in the absence of reducing sugars. On the right, copper oxide, which would appear in the bottom of the solution if reducing sugars are present.
ClassificationColorimetric method

In organic chemistry, Fehling's solution is a chemical reagent used to differentiate between water-soluble carbohydrate and ketone (>C=O) functional groups, and as a test for reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars, supplementary to the Tollens' reagent test. The test was developed by German chemist Hermann von Fehling in 1849.[1]

  1. ^ H. Fehling (1849). "Die quantitative Bestimmung von Zucker und Stärkmehl mittelst Kupfervitriol" [The quantitative determination of sugar and starch by means of copper sulfate]. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. 72 (1): 106–113. doi:10.1002/jlac.18490720112.