Felbrigge Psalter

Upper cover of the Felbrigge Psalter, modern photo.
Upper cover of the Felbrigge Psalter; Victorian book illustration

The Felbrigge Psalter is an illuminated manuscript Psalter from mid-13th century England that has an embroidered bookbinding which probably dates to the early 14th century. It is the oldest surviving book from England to have an embroidered binding.[1] The embroidery is worked in fine linen with an illustration of the Annunciation on the front cover and an illustration of the Crucifixion on the back.[2]

  1. ^ British Library catalogue of illuminated manuscripts.[1] Accessed 20 January 2008.
  2. ^ Cyril Davenport, "Embroidered Bindings of Bibles in the Possession of the British and Foreign Bible Society" in The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 4, No. 12 (Mar., 1904), pp. 267-280.[2] Accessed 20 January 2007.