Feminist blog

A feminist blog presents the issues of feminism through a blog. These websites emerged in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and focus on issues such as gender equality, women's rights, and social justice, among other topics related to feminism. These platforms offer unique perspectives and insights, providing a voice for feminist discourse and activism in the digital age.

Feminist blogs played a role in the evolution of feminist movements by democratizing access to feminist theories and discussions, thus broadening the scope of who can participate and how.[1] These sites were characterized by their informal yet incisive writing style, and they engaged with a young, predominantly female audience. They played a crucial role in third-wave feminism, emphasizing personal experiences[2] and intersectionality.

  1. ^ Jenny Gunnarrsun Payne, "Feminist Media As Alternative Media? A Literature Review" Interface: A Journal For And About Social Movements, no. 1 (2009): 192.
  2. ^ Carrie Hamilton, "Feminist testimony in the internet age: sex work, blogging and the politics of witnessing" Journal of Romance Studies, no. 9 (2009)