
In the liturgy of the Catholic Church, a feria is a day of the week other than Sunday.[1]

In more recent official liturgical texts in English, the term weekday is used instead of feria.[2]

If the feast day of a saint falls on such a day, the liturgy celebrated may be that of the saint, not that of the feria (the weekday liturgy). Accordingly, in actual liturgical practice a feria or ferial day is "a weekday on which no special ecclesiastical feast is to be celebrated".[3][4]

  1. ^ "The term 'feria' means the different days of the week apart from Sunday" (English translation of the Code of Rubrics, 21); Nomine feriae intelleguntur singuli dies hebdomadis, praeter dominicam (original text Archived 2017-08-09 at the Wayback Machine).
  2. ^ An example is the English translation of the Roman Missal.
  3. ^ John A. Hardon, Modern Catholic Dictionary
  4. ^ Will apiel Harvard Dictionary of Music (Harvard University Press 1969), p. 310