Ferranti MRT

The Ferranti MRT-100

The Ferranti Market Research Terminal (MRT) was, arguably, the world’s first application-specific handheld computer.[1][2] It was designed specifically for the market research sector as a means to augment the regular clipboard schemes that, at the time, were common-place, in social and market research.[3] Despite having an appearance of a calculator built into a clipboard, the reality was that the unit contained a sophisticated form of programmable data-logger that, in response to an interviewer reading questions to the interviewee, had answers digitally recorded (for later uploading and analysis) via pressing appropriate keys on the unit. The unit contained a bespoke operating system to support field based market research. The Ferranti Market Research Terminal (MRT) is also of historical significance to the computing industry since it marked the last original computer design from Ferranti, a long established business (started 1882) that had risen to fame through a collaboration Manchester University to produce the "Mark 1", the world’s first commercial computer and later with Cambridge University producing the "Atlas" and "Titan" computers which, at their peak, held around 25% of the computing market.

  1. ^ Patent "Data Recording Technique and Apparatus (Market Research Terminal)" – GB19820022834, WO1983GB00195
  2. ^ (1986) "The Market Research Terminal & Developments in Survey Research", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 20 Issue: 2, pp.35 - 39.
  3. ^ "The Digital Home: a New Locus of Social Science Research". In The Handbook of Emergent Technologies in Social Research, Oxford University Press, 2010