Figurative Constructivism

Figurative Constructivism is an art movement that arose principally in Germany. The term was introduced by Franz Seiwert in 1929 using the phrase "gegenständlichen constructive", and this was subsequently taken up by Gerd Arntz and then by art historians more generally.[1] It is closely related to the development of the Isotype. As Seiwert wrote "From the expressionist-cubist art-form abstract constructivism was developed, which in turn led into Figurative Constructivism".[2]

  1. ^ Benus B. (2013) 'Figurative Constructivism and sociological graphics' in Isotype: Design and Contexts 1925-71 London: Hyphen Press, pp.216-248
  2. ^ Kapounová, Eliška. "Grafická tvorba Augustina Tschinkela v kontextu moderního designu (1928 – 1940)" (PDF). Masarykova univerzita. Retrieved 4 October 2015.