Fiji's Daily Post

Fiji's Daily Post - logo

The Fiji's Daily Post (FDP) was a newspaper in Fiji that was founded in October 1987 by Wame Waqanisanini, Jr, who owned 50 percent of the shares. Taniela Bolea was the original publisher. The majority shares were later owned by the Fijian government. The newspaper suspended publication and has remain closed since 2010.

The FDP suffered criticism from its commencement in 1989 to its closure in 2010 that it represented an extreme ethnic Fijian/Itaukei viewpoint in Fiji's national discourse. The evidence for this conclusion is inconclusive. No other newspaper in Fiji has attempted to reach as wide a multicultural cross-section of the people as the FDP through the provision of five separate language publications. The staff of the newspaper was always multi-ethnic in complexion, representative of a wide range of religious and political viewpoints, and of both genders. As far as ideological orientation of the editorial staff is concerned, it is fair to suppose that once the Fiji government took an official role as major share-holder in the newspaper (late 1990s), the FDP was obliged to toe the government line, but again, this is an oversimplification of the facts. Content analysis of the FDP in comparison with Fiji's other major dailies, the Fiji Times and Fiji Sun does not bear this out.