Fire services in South Korea

Logo of the Korea Fire Service

The Fire Service in South Korea (or Korea Fire Service) is an organization to prevent danger, to protect the Republic of Korea people's lives and property, fire suppression and rescue, relief of emergency patients, prevention of disaster, disaster response, and providing recovery after a disaster occurs.[1][2] Fire fighters in South Korea are Fire officers, members of an obligatory fire-fighting unit, and volunteer fire fighters.[1] Regarding fire fighting activities, the Framework Act on Fire Service, rescue and emergency activities are regulated by Act of 119 Rescue and Emergency Medical Services. The national fire department is the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Safety and Security, and the local fire department is in charge of the city and circuit fire headquarters.[3]

There are multiple criticisms such as the problem of the command system, the status of the firefighting organization, and the poor treatment of the firefighters, although a plurality of organizations are set up to carry out firefighting activities.

  1. ^ a b "Framework Act on Fire Services". Ministry of Government Legislation. Retrieved 2014-12-30.
  2. ^ "Act on 119 Rescue and Emergency Medical Services". Ministry of Government Legislation. Retrieved 2016-03-16.
  3. ^ "Local Autonomy Act". Ministry of Government Legislation. Retrieved 2014-01-21.