Fishing industry in Chile

Fishing boats in Quellón, Chiloé with Corcovado volcano in the background
Humboldt Current
Two live individuals of Concholepas concholepas; the one on the left has been turned over to show the underside of the large muscular foot

Fishing in Chile is a major industry with a total catch of 4,442,877 tons of fish in 2006.[1] As of 2010, Chile has the seventh largest commercial catch in the world.[2] With over 4,000 km (2,500 miles) of viable coastline, fishing has been a vital resource for small-scale business and family development for hundreds of years. Due to the Humboldt Current, the Chilean Sea is considered among the most productive marine ecosystems in the world as well as the largest upwelling system. Artisanal fishing is practised all over Chile's 6,435 km long coastline and combines industrial techniques with pre-Hispanic traditions. Recreational fishing tourism in southern Chile's rivers has recently gained worldwide fame attracting actors such as Harrison Ford, Michael Douglas, and Kevin Costner.[3]

  1. ^ Chilean National Fisheries Service
  2. ^ The Economist
  3. ^ "Hollywood looks to take refuge in southern Chile". Archived from the original on 2011-07-08. Retrieved 2008-03-12.